Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Program for the Coachella Valley
The Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) is a component of Riverside County’s Measure A program to provide funding for transportation projects throughout the region. CVAG administers the TUMF program for the Coachella Valley and applies fee revenues toward priority projects in the regional arterial system as determined by the Transportation Project Prioritization Study (TPPS) and Nexus Report. The TUMF, like all impact fees, is authorized through California’s Mitigation Fee Act, government code §66000-66025.
2024 Fee Schedule
TUMF Category | Assessment Unit | Rate |
Single family detached | Dwelling unit | $2,740 |
Multi-family attached | Dwelling unit | $1,580 |
Nursing/congregate care | Dwelling unit | $585 |
Retail | 1,000 sq. ft. | $7,130 |
Office | 1,000 sq. ft. | $2,835 |
Industrial | 1,000 sq. ft. | $1,440 |
Fuel-gas | Dispensing unit | $10,220 |
Fuel-electric | Dispensing unit | $105 |
Hotel | Room | $4,165 |
Golf course | Acre | $1,090 |
2024 rates effective January 1, 2024. Rates may change to keep pace with inflation or to reflect an updated TPPS or Nexus Report.
Fee Calculation Resources
Use this tool to estimate your development project’s TUMF obligations.
Note: this tool will also estimate the Local Development Mitigation Fee, administered by the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission.
The TUMF handbook provides a detailed description of each TUMF category and an in-depth methodology for calculating the respective fee obligation.
Additional Resources
The Transportation Project Prioritization Study (TPPS) identifies and prioritizes regional transportation projects for the Coachella Valley and is a primary component of CVAG’s Regional Transportation Plan.
Explore projects included in the TPPS and whether they contribute to the TUMF assessment rate.
The Nexus Report identifies the necessary transportation improvements and associated costs required by new development in the region to determine a reasonable fee rate.