CVAG has overseen the CV Housing First program since 2017, which has had proven success in helping homeless individuals and families across the Coachella Valley. In 2021, CVAG transitioned to an in-house program. This change has already brought about increased responsiveness and capacity in the Coachella Valley, particularly as it pertains to assisting local law enforcement and public health workers with homeless services. The transition to an in- house program has also given CVAG an opportunity to focus its efforts on clients who might not be able to get help elsewhere.
The CV Housing First uses two primary methods to get clients to housing solutions: rapid resolution and crisis stabilization units. Rapid Resolution is an urgent, cost saving solution that staff use to help overcome the barriers that keep people from getting housing. This could include options such as helping them secure their identifying paperwork, which then can help them qualify for benefits. It also includes sorting out the process for housing, medical, mental health, substance abuse, employment, and mainstream benefits.
At the same time, CVAG continues to use the Crisis Stabilization Units to connect individuals to housing. These are apartments and hotel rooms where clients stay, generally up to 90 days, that keep them off the streets. Through case management and frequent interactions with the team, CVAG is helping them achieve the goal of permanent housing, programs, and family reunifications.
For inquiries regarding CV Housing First, please call (442) 227-5562.